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We believe providing women with tools, technology, and financial access empowers them to strengthen their community's economic foundation.

Despite Liberia's progress in economic growth, education, and women's rights, women still lack equal opportunities in the workforce.

The majority of Liberians, like in many countries, work in the informal economy, with women comprising 74% of these laborers. Notably, 41% of university-educated women engage in informal work, compared to 24% of men with similar education.

Female informal workers, including market sellers and street vendors, face challenges such as limited access to credit and banking services, insufficient financial literacy and business training, a lack of social protections and childcare options, harassment from citizens and authorities, and poor sanitation in marketplaces (Council of Foreign Relations).

Investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path towards poverty eradication (UN Women).

In the language Kpelle,KPO'MA means EMPOWER.

A woman sitting at a market booth selling food products.
The 17 sustainable development goals.

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals. These goals have the power to create a better world by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change.


Kpo'ma Women is committed to help achieve these goals by utilizing these goals to frame and inform the outcomes of our projects.